Sonata-Sonatina Festival - WILL be held this year 11/3/2024
General Information
- DATE AND LOCATION: SUNDAY NOVEMBER 3rd, 2024 at Harper College, Music Instruction Building (formerly known as building P).
- REGISTRATION: Jerry Dolins will send electronic entry forms to everyone via email to enroll students for the Festival. All you must do to enroll your students is open the form, fill it in on your computer and send it back via email. Please do not convert to a pdf format. If you have problems doing this, please call Jerry at 847-215-2262 or email to [email protected] and he will assist you. Please do not print and "snail-mail" the electronic form. Completed electronic entry forms via email are the only way to enroll students.
- DEADLINE: Completed online entries must be emailed to Jerry Dolins at [email protected] by 10/4/2024. No mail-in entries will be accepted.
- REPERTOIRE: For Sonatinas and Sonatas listed as Level 7 or below in the Achievement in Music (A.I.M.) syllabus, choose one of the following options: 1. two contrasting movements 2. a complete two-movement piece without contrast or two complete one-movement pieces. For Sonatinas and Sonatas listed as Level 8 or above in A.I.M.: one movement may be entered unless otherwise noted in A.I.M. (i.e., the Sonatas requiring two movements for A.I.M. will require two movements for this Festival.) A list of suggested included with the electronic entry form.
- WARM-UP: A scale and cadence are allowed for warm-up.
- REQUIREMENTS: All compositions must be performed from memory without repeats. A copy of the same edition the student uses must be provided to the judges, with every measure numbered and the student's code number written on the music. No photocopies are permitted. Judges will have the authority to stop an entrant before the end of the composition. If a movement is not memorized, a ribbon only will be awarded. Judges may deduct points for inappropriate attire/poor presentation (i.e. jeans, sweatshirts, beach sandals, etc.)
- FEES: A non-refundable $30.00 fee will be charged for each student of an NWSMTA member. A non-refundable $35.00 fee will be charged for each student of an MTNA member who is not also an NWSMTA member, who may enter no more than 3 students. A non-refundable $50 fee will be charged for each student of a non-MTNA member, who may enter no more than 3 students. (Please note: in order to become a member of NWSMTA, you must first join MTNA.). Please make checks payable to NWSMTA. Mail the fee to: Jerry Dolins, 230 Pauline Avenue, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089. Fees must be received by 10/11/2024. Please send ONLY ONE personal check to cover the registration for all your students. Please note that Fees are determined by the number of students entered at the time of the Registration deadline. If payment is made prior to the Registration deadline and subsequently a student withdraws prior to the Registration deadline, then an adjustment will be made. If a student withdraws after the Registration deadline, then they will still be scheduled and may be scored as a No-Show and the appropriate Fee is still due.
- JUDGING: The committee will select qualified judges. Please note: No audio or video recording of performances will be allowed. AWARDS: All entrants will receive award ribbons for participating. In addition to ribbons, medals will be awarded for the following scores: 96 - 100 = Gold 90 - 95 = Silver 85 - 89 = Bronze.
- OBSERVING PERFORMANCES: Teachers and one or two parents may observe the performances, provided they sit quietly and do not talk to the students or judges, and do not take photos or videos. However, if a room is too small to permit observers, only the teacher will be allowed into the room. This decision will be left up to the discretion of the committee chairman.
- VERY IMPORTANT: EVERY TEACHER ENTERING STUDENTS IS EXPECTED TO WORK TWO HOURS ON THE DAY OF THE FESTIVAL. If you are unable to work 2 hours, you will be expected to find someone to replace you without exception. Parents of students or older students may substitute for the teacher but will still be required to work the full 2 hour period. If you have a large amount of students playing and would like to listen to their performances, PLEASE DO NOT VOLUNTEER TO WORK DURING THE TIME THAT THE MAJORITY OF THEM ARE PLAYING. Last year this was the case for a few teachers, and as a result they could not fulfill their work assignment. FLOATERS NEED TO FIND THE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN (MICHELLE RYDER-SMITH) AND REPORT TO HER AT THE BEGINNING OF THEIR SHIFT TO GET THEIR ASSIGNMENT. The job of the floaters or chairman is only to substitute for short periods of time and not for the bulk of your shift. Names of the substitutes should be included on the entry form. We would like to suggest appropriate attire for the students, teachers, and any workers. No jeans or sweatshirts, please. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT ALL TEACHERS OR SUBSTITUTES COME ON TIME FOR THEIR SCHEDULED SHIFT TO KEEP THE FESTIVAL RUNNING SMOOTHLY.
- OBTAINING SCORE SHEETS: Teachers have several options available to pick up their score sheets and the medals. Option 1 is to pick up your score sheets and medals at the end of the Sonata-Sonatina Festival day at Harper College, or ask another teacher or student's parent to pick them up. Option 2 - Pick up score sheets and medals at Michelle Ryder-Smith's house, 610 Nordic Court, Libertyville, IL 60048 after the festival. Call or text Michelle Ryder-Smith at 847-902-6465 to schedule a pickup.
- Medals and score sheets will be mailed out if necessary, but please try to go with the above two options if possible.
If teachers have any questions or concerns regarding the Sonata-Sonatina Festival that are not answered here, please contact Michelle Ryder-Smith at 847-902-6465 or at [email protected]
DATE: November 10, 2024
TIMES: 1:00 P.M. and 2:30 P.M. and 4:00 P.M.
LOCATION: St. Michael's Episcopal Church, 647 Dundee Ave, Barrington
Teachers, please note that the length for each recital is limited: 24 students per recital. The times/spots to play will be filled on a first come, first served basis.
Therefore, after the Sonata-Sonatina Festival, please submit the necessary information for your students to the Gold Medal Recital Coordinator, Grace Lee, as soon as possible: email only, no phone calls or texts.
On the evening of the Festival, teachers should look for an email from Jerry Dolins.
Mr. Dolins will notify all teachers that entered students in the Festival as to the Gold Medal results.
Gold Medal Recital Coordinator, Grace Lee
Email: [email protected].
The deadline to enter students in the Gold Medal Recital is Wednesday November 6, 1:00 P.M.
Teachers’ submissions of gold medalists’ for the recital must include:
- Name or Sonata-Sonatina Festival number of your student (s)
- If 2 movements were performed at the Festival, specify which of the two movements will be performed at the Recital. Only one movement will be allowed, without repeats.
- Include your preferred choice for the 1:00, 2:30 or 4:00 recital
- Please indicate if you are willing to change to an alternate time if your first choice is no longer available
Guidelines for Volunteers, Teacher-Participants, Students and Families
- 2-3 NWSMTA teacher volunteers to prepare and help with each recital.
- Volunteers will make sure the piano is moved to the center front of the church before the 1:00 recital and move the piano back after the 4:00 recital.
- Volunteers will be assigned to each of the three recitals to prepare the church pews. Pews will need to be labeled with the numbers of student-performers where they will be seated, in the same order as the listing on the program. (Use of sticky notes works well and goes fast.)
- For smooth transition performer to performer, volunteers will help with making sure one performer is on the way up to the piano while the previous person is taking their bow
- Students will play their piece as performed at the Festival and as listed on the Program
- Students and their families must stay for the entire recital. If someone cannot stay for the whole recital, they should not enter the recital and perform. Teachers, during the sign-up process for the Gold Medal Recital, make sure your students and their parents are aware of this important aspect of concert and recital etiquette.
- If pictures are desired, they can be taken at the back of the church with the pipe organ pipes in the background of the photo. This will make it possible for the next group to enter the church, and the NWSMTA volunteers assigned to the next recital to seat the next group of performers.
- After recital #3, the piano can be moved back to its location in the back of the sanctuary.