Jazz Combo Experience
Guidelines for “All That Jazz”
Event Date: Sunday, June 15, 2025
Location: House Of Music & Entertainment
1227 N Rand Rd. Arlington Heights
Time: Noon
Deadline to register with Leadsheets: Friday, June 6, 2025
Cost: $30
Music that is eligible for this event includes jazz standards, pop tunes, rock songs, blues, and some written jazz/blues style pieces.
Students are welcome to improvise over a chorus or two but they are not required to improvise.
Entry must include a scanned copy of original music as well as a lead sheet style with chord changes labeled and measures numbered clearly.
An easy way to make a quick lead sheet is to print out a copy of treble or bass clef staff paper. Draw in bar lines and write the chord changes above each measure leaving the staff blank. See example attached below.
Event Date: Sunday, June 15, 2025
Location: House Of Music & Entertainment
1227 N Rand Rd. Arlington Heights
Time: Noon
Deadline to register with Leadsheets: Friday, June 6, 2025
Cost: $30
Music that is eligible for this event includes jazz standards, pop tunes, rock songs, blues, and some written jazz/blues style pieces.
Students are welcome to improvise over a chorus or two but they are not required to improvise.
Entry must include a scanned copy of original music as well as a lead sheet style with chord changes labeled and measures numbered clearly.
An easy way to make a quick lead sheet is to print out a copy of treble or bass clef staff paper. Draw in bar lines and write the chord changes above each measure leaving the staff blank. See example attached below.
Follow the links below to learn how to fill out a lead sheet!
Learn Jazz Standards Blog: https://www.learnjazzstandards.com/blog/how-to-write-out-a-jazz-lead-sheet/
Learn Music Theory PDF: http://learnmusictheory.net/PDFs/pdffiles/01-04-06-BasicLeadSheetSymbols.pdf
MusicNotes.com sells individual pieces which have the chords written in. Many collections of jazz and pop music have them included, as well.
Students cannot use copied music in performance but will need a copy with lead sheets for musicians. Scan the music, along with lead sheet for the musicians to look over before the performance. They will be using the lead sheets in performance.
Students may use their sheet music during the performance, since they will be playing in an ensemble.
Students must be able to play with a steady beat. They will be playing with a professional Bass Player, Drummer and Guitarist!
Have your student practice with a keyboard rhythm accompaniment, or with apps such as SuperMetronome GrooveBox. Another app that is useful if your student will be playing a Jazz Standard is iRealPro. Teachers can also create practice tracks using Garage Band.
Students should be able to play along with metronome or app at all times. If they cannot keep a steady beat, they are probably not ready for this event.
Students have to be able to provide a confident count off for the backup musicians. Follow the link below for instructions for a uniform and solid count off. (This link was provided with permission from Kristin Yost, who was extremely helpful in answering all our questions on planning this event!)
• Examples to count off include: https://vimeo.com/121326962
• Option A. 1 - 2 -, 1-2-3-4
• Option B. 5 - 6 -, 5-6-7-8
• Option C. if in 3: 1 - 2 - -, 1, 2, 3
• Option D. if in 6/8 make sure you mark that it will be a two feel. 1 - 2 - , a 1-2-3-4-5-6
Dress code is casual: dark jeans or khakis and a nice shirt. No shorts or thin tank top straps.
Drinks and food for families and friends will be available for purchase while watching the performances.
Depending upon entries, students will be organized in sets. Students must arrive 15min before the set and stay for the duration of their set.